Friday, December 19, 2008
December at School
Thanksgiving at Nanas

We had such a great time at Jayson's moms house for Thanksgiving. We got to spend time with her new Husband's family. They were very entertaining! The twins sat at a table on their own without a highchair, and we all ate a ton. A dogpile of Scarborough's snowballed into the hallway which made Chico very upset. He didnt get it.. It was a blast. The hotel that night though, not so much fun. Seven of us in one room! Remind me to always pack the playcrib.
Jalama beach
November 08

Chico, Jenna and I took a trip to Walgreens and threw all little Lions in the cart. Chico loved them all! In the meantime, sissy was in the basket, taking all the candy off the shelves. She had a whole box of Reses peanut butter cups in the cart! Woops! Mommy was busy taking pictures and didnt even notice what she was doing back there!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What a week!
It's just been one of those weeks where everything is hard! My neighbor across the street brought as dinner tonight, as she does every week! It is such a blessing! Chicken Casserole, salad, and garlic bread! yummmmmm! Too bad I'm not carb-loading! Auntie Valarie took the twins for the night, such a treat! I shouldn't have gone back for seconds because now I'm sitting here feeling yucky and stuffed! Im thankful for my husband that loves me and realizing how lucky I am during these crazy economic times! We have some presents under the tree and I ate too much! I really shouldn't be complaining. We are anxiously awaiting Jayson to walk in the door, okay maybe just I am. I'm exhausted from a trying week, and it's only Wednesday. I'm taking the girls to Awana and blogging in the midst of chaos. It's actually not too bad. Thanks Auntie!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Awesome weekend!
The girls and I went swimming at the gym Saturday Morning. I think they like getting their own locker and showering there more than they like swimming. We came home and did a few chores before they left for cousin Nicky's birthday party, and I went to my friend Kristy's baby shower. We came home and got dressed up to go watch Samantha, one of our babysitters sing at her church. The girls looked adorable, and they were sooooooooo excited to see Sam! Jayda and Julia had a hard time sitting still. I saw a few friends from high school, and the music director, Mrs. Woods, was actually my music director from Elementary School. She looked exactly the same as she did back then. My Grandma went with us and we stopped by mom and dad's for a quick round of bowling before coming home. We put the kids to bed, and Jayson and I got to catch up cuz ha had been gone in Modesto for 4 days. It was a great day.
Today we picked up the babies at Auntie Valarie's and Uncle Mark's house, then headed to the bike shop to buy some tubes for Jenna's bike that she bought this year with her own money. They knew her when we walked in. The owner was impressed with her so much for buying her own bike he gave her discount.. Now we are forever faithful to Rubber Soul Bike Shop! Their customer service is amazing. Jayson made us breakfast burritos, then i took Jenna to another birthday party at her friend, Allison's house. Julia went to Leslee's to play and Jayda wanted to hang out with Papa. We laughing at Napoleon Dynamite and Im getting ready for Desperate Housewives.. Gotta get the rest of the kids to bed! Good night!
Today we picked up the babies at Auntie Valarie's and Uncle Mark's house, then headed to the bike shop to buy some tubes for Jenna's bike that she bought this year with her own money. They knew her when we walked in. The owner was impressed with her so much for buying her own bike he gave her discount.. Now we are forever faithful to Rubber Soul Bike Shop! Their customer service is amazing. Jayson made us breakfast burritos, then i took Jenna to another birthday party at her friend, Allison's house. Julia went to Leslee's to play and Jayda wanted to hang out with Papa. We laughing at Napoleon Dynamite and Im getting ready for Desperate Housewives.. Gotta get the rest of the kids to bed! Good night!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I should be sleeping
What the hek am i doing up at 1:30 in the morning! The girls and I went to see Madagascar tonight and consumed some major calories at Johnny Rockets. We hit up Target for some birthday gifts at 9 oclock at night. Cousin Nicky's bday is tomorrow and Jenna is going to another one on Sunday for her friend Allison. I had a great night hanging out with the girls. We still had to feed pigs before calling it a night. They were all dead tired when we got home and fell asleep in their clothes!
Since my last entry I finished my first Marathon!! I had a blast training with my friends and i was soooooo happy to share my experience with my family and friends that came out to cheer me on! I saw my dad and the big girls at mile 12 and gave everyone kisses. i almost forgot Julia, but ran back to give her one too.. mile 13 to 20 was extremely windy and our pace dropped, but we didnt stop... We had trained up to 20 miles, but let me tell you that last 6.2 was HARD!!! Everything in me said stop, just stop running, stop running now!! But we kept running because we wanted the pain to be over with! At about mile 16, my friend Kasey picked out a girl that we had decided to beat, we passed her significantly but somehow she managed to catch us at mile 25. Feeling dead already, we pushed it with all we had to the finish line, where i saw Valarie, Jayson and the babies, my mom, grandma, aunt martha, my dad and my other 3 girls waiting for me! It was a wonderful experience, and i cant wait to do it again.. something about running,hanging out with girlfriends, and feeling strong! I love it!
Since my last entry I finished my first Marathon!! I had a blast training with my friends and i was soooooo happy to share my experience with my family and friends that came out to cheer me on! I saw my dad and the big girls at mile 12 and gave everyone kisses. i almost forgot Julia, but ran back to give her one too.. mile 13 to 20 was extremely windy and our pace dropped, but we didnt stop... We had trained up to 20 miles, but let me tell you that last 6.2 was HARD!!! Everything in me said stop, just stop running, stop running now!! But we kept running because we wanted the pain to be over with! At about mile 16, my friend Kasey picked out a girl that we had decided to beat, we passed her significantly but somehow she managed to catch us at mile 25. Feeling dead already, we pushed it with all we had to the finish line, where i saw Valarie, Jayson and the babies, my mom, grandma, aunt martha, my dad and my other 3 girls waiting for me! It was a wonderful experience, and i cant wait to do it again.. something about running,hanging out with girlfriends, and feeling strong! I love it!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's been awhile
Wow, I know I haven't been here in awhile. Things have been a little nuts lately. Jenna is doing super duper in third grade, Julia is loving first grade, especially since her cousin Nicky is in the same class. Jayda started preschool this year with some little tears and that was it. She is definitely ready to learn! Jackson and Jillian are walking everywhere and getting into everything, Jillian is super fast and like to climb onto anything she possibly can.
Jayson took a new job teaching Animal Science and coaching the livestock team at Modesto Jr College. A place we both called home for a couple years. He is loving it and I have been trying to run the business the best I can from home. He is gone a lot, but I am so happy he found the perfect job. Luckily we are not doing any extra curricular activities this semester because i have no idea how we would ever make it!
Funny moments today, Jackson started making truck noises with his cars and Julia asked if we could go to the Licorice store( Liquor Store). Hilarious.
Oh yeah and I am also training for a marathon, November 9Th. We are up to 18 miles this weekend. I cant wait till its over, I love the fitness part but the early morning runs are killing me now.. Promise to write more soon and keep everyone updated. :)
Jayson took a new job teaching Animal Science and coaching the livestock team at Modesto Jr College. A place we both called home for a couple years. He is loving it and I have been trying to run the business the best I can from home. He is gone a lot, but I am so happy he found the perfect job. Luckily we are not doing any extra curricular activities this semester because i have no idea how we would ever make it!
Funny moments today, Jackson started making truck noises with his cars and Julia asked if we could go to the Licorice store( Liquor Store). Hilarious.
Oh yeah and I am also training for a marathon, November 9Th. We are up to 18 miles this weekend. I cant wait till its over, I love the fitness part but the early morning runs are killing me now.. Promise to write more soon and keep everyone updated. :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Cheerios for Jillian
I just got off the phone paying bills. I gave Jillian some cheerios to keep her quiet while I talked. Jayda gave her a few more. UGH!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Julia's Caterpillars
Julia has been waiting forever for her caterpillars to get here. Monday they finally arrived. She was out of town with Jayson for the day. I called her to tell her they were here. She couldnt wait to see them. Here is day one.

We had to put them up after day one because she wanted to take them EVERYWHERE. She took them to school the day after she got them. We didnt even look at them yesterday. Today i took them down and they've grown 3x their size. They kinda scared me..
Day 5....

Day 6.....

Day 10. They were all in their cocoons by day 7. We moved them to the Butterfly Pavilion on Day 8. Now were just waiting. 04/24/08

Jayda's 3rd Birthday
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Papa Donuts!
My dad drops off donuts EVERY Sunday morning for the girls on the front porch. We hardly ever see him because he gets here so early. This works out so good for Jayson and I since we, more him than me, like to sleep in on sundays. I dont know how Jayda knows it sunday, but she is usually the first one awake, and I can hear her opening the squeaky front door to check for donuts. Sometimes they're not there yet, so she says out loud, "No Donuts." and then closes the door. I can hear all of this from my bedroom. When they are there, we hear, "Yay". This has been going on for a few years now, I think. Julia used to be the one checking and we were amazed at how she knew it was Sunday too. Its probably because Mommy is still in bed. Recently Ive been doing long runs on Sunday mornings so I leave before the donuts get here. Jack and Jill got their first donuts a couple weeks ago, but the other kids didnt realize that the donut holes were for the babies, so they ate all but 2 of them, Today they got all their donut holes. 5 for Jackson and 2 for Jillian.

Brocks Birthday
If you have ever spent time with Jayda, you have heard about Brock! Its all she talks about around here. Sometimes she calls him her boyfriend, but we correct her and tell her its her best friend and she says, "Noooooooooo, he's my boyfriend!". Yesterday Jayda and I went to his house for his 3rd Birthday Party. When we got there he had a Transformers mask on and Spidey gloves. They pretty much stayed on the party. She had lots of fun in the bounce house and on the play set.
Funny story... I started taking Jayda to the babysitter when she was 9mos old. This is where Brock and her became best of friends. Brock's mom met Jayda and told her," oh, there was a Jayda in my hospital room when Brock was born." Well Brock was 9mos old and we quickly put it together that Kara and I were in the same room at Clovis Community. I remember she didnt have a name for Brock yet and she was thinking about naming him Landon. I also remember that i have never seen anyone get dressed packed and ready to go so fast after delivering a baby in my life. She was ready to get out of there. That is the story of Brock and Jayda. Hopefully they'll be friends forever.:)
Her birthday is next.....stay tuned
Funny story... I started taking Jayda to the babysitter when she was 9mos old. This is where Brock and her became best of friends. Brock's mom met Jayda and told her," oh, there was a Jayda in my hospital room when Brock was born." Well Brock was 9mos old and we quickly put it together that Kara and I were in the same room at Clovis Community. I remember she didnt have a name for Brock yet and she was thinking about naming him Landon. I also remember that i have never seen anyone get dressed packed and ready to go so fast after delivering a baby in my life. She was ready to get out of there. That is the story of Brock and Jayda. Hopefully they'll be friends forever.:)
Her birthday is next.....stay tuned
Saturday, April 12, 2008
SuperHawk Jenna
Jenna recieved the SuperHawk Award on Friday for passing PE testing. Jayda, the twins and I went to watch her. She got a backpack that says Superhawk on it. She also brought home her report card Thursday. All A's!!!!! Yea! We are super proud. We told her that if she get all A's at the end of the year we would take her to Pennysylvania in the Fall for a Hog Show. Its incentive for her and for us for her to get good grades. Go Jenna! We love you and are very proud of you!

The Kids Artwork.
So I have decided that I cannot possibly keep every piece of artwork that the kids bring home. Instead I have chosen to take a picture of it and post it to my Web Album. Brillaint, I now. Too Bad someone else gave me the idea. A clutter free life is my goal.
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Julias art work |
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Jennas artwork |
When I was pregnant with Jenna someone once told me, just remember what you felt like when you were a kid. That was probably the best parenting advice ever. The other good tip I got from Jayson just the other night. Ive really been on the girls to pick up after themselves lately and i was frustrated by the end of the day and sick of my own voice from repeating myself. I told Jayson,"I hate that nothing gets done around here unless I am on thier a** about it." He said, "Welcome to Parenting." Aaahhhhh! Light Bulb! This is how it is suppose to be. Duh. Okay, I'm doing alright then. Haha.
Dear Ice Cream Man,
You and I have a committed relationship. I will always buy ice cream from you because I can remember as a child hearing your music in neighborhood, and rushing frantically to find my parents to see if i could get one. The music is getting louder and louder and that means that you are getting closer and closer. Oh the the stress that you caused me. How am I going to find a parent, get the money and be outside in time as you drive by! I finally find one of my parents only to hear them say, no, you don't need it or I don't have any money(which was a lie, I mean who doesnt have a quarter! Come on!)And then the the disappointment and heartache that had to be endured as I watched you pass by our house and torture of listening to that music get quieter and quieter until you were gone forever! Its not like you came by everyday. Well maybe you did, but I only saw you once every couple weeks. I believe that if I was home at the exact same time that you chose to drive your truck by my house, it was fate. Well sometimes our fate connected, but the bad memories are what i remember most. So you know, I turned out okay without your yummy treats, maybe i didnt them, but that wasn't the point. It was fate, I tell you. God wanted me to have an ice cream. That is why is sent you to MY neighborhood! Anyways, I now have 5 kids and promise to buy something from you as you pass by, but please do not come by everday!!!! I will be listening for you...........

This Is Miss Jayda with Nadine and Jenna today. After buying Jayda her ice cream I turned around and saw them staring at me with puppy dog faces, so i turned around and said, "Okay, 2 more!" Im such a sucker. They live next door. They don't speak English but they do like Ice Cream!!!

This Is Miss Jayda with Nadine and Jenna today. After buying Jayda her ice cream I turned around and saw them staring at me with puppy dog faces, so i turned around and said, "Okay, 2 more!" Im such a sucker. They live next door. They don't speak English but they do like Ice Cream!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Princess Jayda
It all started this morning when i was begging Miss Jayda to at least put some panties on because she was running around all morning naked. She said she wanted to wear tights. So we found some tights, then i went looking for a dress. I found one of Jenna's dresses from a wedding she was in when she was two. then i started putting on my makeup and she asked if she could have some make-up. We put blush, lipstick and glittery eye shadow on. We found a tiara and a wand and the princess was born. I thought this was a good opportunity to take some pictures, since the poor child has absolutely no pictures up in the house. i dont think i even bought the ones from the hospital. Poor middle child. i know i will hear about this forever from her as an adult. We took some good pics and had a fun day. The dress came off when it got too dirty and naked Jayda was back. She got a time-out for running outside naked for the third time!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Jillian started crawling this weekend and Jackson has not interest in even rolling over. Just goes to show girls are smarter than boys!!!They've both had the sniffles and a cough for almost a week now. Jayson says I need to stop taking them to the gym. That leaves my workout hours to early morning. Uh-oh. I'll manage. My Parents bought us the Chipmunk movie and that has been playing for about 4 days now non stop! Im going to start screaming ALVIN in my sleep! Nothin alse is really goin g on here. Oh Jenna's softball game.... She has sixteen girls on her team so we were disappointed that she only got one at-bat and she struck out:( bummer. The game was an hour and a half. We did win though.Ill put some pictures up...

Monday, March 31, 2008
Awana Grand Prix
The girls and Jayson made derby cars this past weekend for Awana Grand Prix. Too bad we didnt get started till Friday night. They all stayed up really late sanding and painting their cars, except Jayda and I, we fell asleep. Jayda woke up Saturday Morning and found her unfinished block of wood. I told her to go wake up daddy, who was sleeping in the bunk bed with Julia. The races started in less than two hours. They quickly painted the block of wood yellow and made a School Bus! haha. We showed up at the church with our cars to check in. After a little while at the pit stop where we added weights to make the cars heavier and some drilling to make the cars lighter we were ready to start the races. We hung oout there all morning. None of our cars won. We even had a race with all 3 scarborough girls and we still didnt win! Needless to say Jayson is all fired up for next year. He only loses once....
yes i am guilty. Guilty of Blog Neglect. That past couple months have been crazy. I have so many pictures on my camera that I realized I have not been updating The Blog. Jenna started softball a few weeks ago and has her first game Thursday night! I will take pictures and update the blog as quickly as possible.....
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Jenna's Birthday
We spent yesterday at Cal Skate for Jenna's Birthday. Julia and Jayda were out of town with Jayson and my parents kept the twins so It was just me and Jenna and her friends and their moms and her cousins. We had a great time. She didnt have to share any of my attention. Afterwards we went to Me'n'Eds for Pizza and cake. Then she spent the night with Olivia and came home a little while ago. The twins went to bed early and I had a peaceful night and afternoon.
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