Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I should be sleeping

What the hek am i doing up at 1:30 in the morning! The girls and I went to see Madagascar tonight and consumed some major calories at Johnny Rockets. We hit up Target for some birthday gifts at 9 oclock at night. Cousin Nicky's bday is tomorrow and Jenna is going to another one on Sunday for her friend Allison. I had a great night hanging out with the girls. We still had to feed pigs before calling it a night. They were all dead tired when we got home and fell asleep in their clothes!

Since my last entry I finished my first Marathon!! I had a blast training with my friends and i was soooooo happy to share my experience with my family and friends that came out to cheer me on! I saw my dad and the big girls at mile 12 and gave everyone kisses. i almost forgot Julia, but ran back to give her one too.. mile 13 to 20 was extremely windy and our pace dropped, but we didnt stop... We had trained up to 20 miles, but let me tell you that last 6.2 was HARD!!! Everything in me said stop, just stop running, stop running now!! But we kept running because we wanted the pain to be over with! At about mile 16, my friend Kasey picked out a girl that we had decided to beat, we passed her significantly but somehow she managed to catch us at mile 25. Feeling dead already, we pushed it with all we had to the finish line, where i saw Valarie, Jayson and the babies, my mom, grandma, aunt martha, my dad and my other 3 girls waiting for me! It was a wonderful experience, and i cant wait to do it again.. something about running,hanging out with girlfriends, and feeling strong! I love it!

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