Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Saturday, April 12, 2008


When I was pregnant with Jenna someone once told me, just remember what you felt like when you were a kid. That was probably the best parenting advice ever. The other good tip I got from Jayson just the other night. Ive really been on the girls to pick up after themselves lately and i was frustrated by the end of the day and sick of my own voice from repeating myself. I told Jayson,"I hate that nothing gets done around here unless I am on thier a** about it." He said, "Welcome to Parenting." Aaahhhhh! Light Bulb! This is how it is suppose to be. Duh. Okay, I'm doing alright then. Haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I make a suggestion? Okay, I'm going to pretend I heard you say sure, go ahead.

Something that seems to be effective in training up a child in the way they should go is to acknowledge and reward what you want to see repeated. So, in other words, rather than chase your tail spitting out energy over the things that make you nuts, try to catch them doing the RIGHT stuff more often. (Okay now, shhhhhh, this is the secret part ... but you said Jayson doesn't read your blog so I can go ahead and say it ... it works for HUSBANDS, too!) ;) Oh, and puppies in case you should decide to add one of those to the mix. Not sure about pigs.