Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Jillian started crawling this weekend and Jackson has not interest in even rolling over. Just goes to show girls are smarter than boys!!!They've both had the sniffles and a cough for almost a week now. Jayson says I need to stop taking them to the gym. That leaves my workout hours to early morning. Uh-oh. I'll manage. My Parents bought us the Chipmunk movie and that has been playing for about 4 days now non stop! Im going to start screaming ALVIN in my sleep! Nothin alse is really goin g on here. Oh Jenna's softball game.... She has sixteen girls on her team so we were disappointed that she only got one at-bat and she struck out:( bummer. The game was an hour and a half. We did win though.Ill put some pictures up...

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