Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Playoff Games, No facebook, Back to Tanner, Denver

Im putting this picture up because Jayson loves this guy. He always has something funny say. I personally am a little bitter over his win over my team last week. Hope he gets to keep his job!

Im wearing my Charger's Jersey, even thought they are now out of the race. Which makes today's games pointless to watch. I'm am now looking forward to the commercials and half time show for the Superbowl in 2 weeks! Oh! And the food, always looking forward to that!

This is now day 4 with no Facebook. I think its going pretty well. I do occasionally sneak onto Jayson's account to see if I'm missing anything, and Im not! Ive decided that I am going to lose 10 lbs before I let myself back into the world of social networking. However living with 6 other people is quite a bit of social networking, I must say!

I started back with Tanner My trainer last week, and he totally kicked my butt. Ive got a new diet and Im excited to get in shape. If I was super brave Id put a picture up of me in a bikini for a "before" picture. People like to look at stuff like that. I know I do. I should do it, okay Ill take the picture, but cant promise that Ill post it just yet!

Jayson, Jenna, Jayda, and Jayson's mom Rene all traveled to Denver last week for the National Western Stock Show. It was a huge event. Jenna had to put her name in a lottery to go. She took 2 pigs,Mia a spot and Nomar a cross, both off which were no match for the stiff competition back there. They did however enjoy the drive through Colorado and Denver. I hope I can go next time. Jenna is ready to work hard and improve her skills in the Showring this year. Go Jenna!

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