Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day!!

Next time we go to the snow, i will be more prepared! I said that last time, and we were, a little better prepared but we went to a new location and we've had a lot of snow since the last time we headed up the mountain!
Next time, everyone will have snow pants, including me. Snow in your pants is NOT a pleasant way to start your day. With all the packing, all the extra pants, jackets, socks, beanies, gloves....we forgot shoes completely for Jillian.
It was snowing when we got there, which the kids thought was really cool. Jayson played lifesaver every 5 seconds to rescue kids that unexpectedly sunk in the snow. Jenna, Julia, and Jayson made it up one big hill a few times before retiring to the suburban for Hot Cocoa. Jackson could care less about the coldness, but his sister was miserably cold. We ended up putting Chico's shoes on her, but her little hands and face were so cold. She couldn't stand the mention of going back to the car though and miss out on any action, even if she is the biggest fan of Hot Cocoa in the world!
We lasted about an hour out there, maybe less, then headed back down the mountain home, where I read about the Peach Cobbler below on my phone! :)

Peach Crunch Cake

Super Easy Peach Cobbler from .. Yummy, but not getting me to my weight loss goal!!! Just wanted to taste it!

Peach Crunch Cake

24.5 oz jar of sliced peaches in light syrup
1 package yellow cake mix
1 stick butter (1/2 cup), cut into 16 pieces
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Layer ingredients in a 13 X 9 dish, in order starting with the peaches.
Bake for about 40 minutes.
Serve warm or cold… with or without ice cream.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

4th Grade Music, Ahhhh...refreshing!

Jenna came home with a recorder this week as part of her Music lesson. Yikes! Not exactly music to anyone's ears, especially in the car! This is yesterday after school. I wouldnt let her play it in the car, and we were waiting outside the gym for Jayson to get there with the babies so we could swap kids while I was working out. I was even embarrassed with Jenna playing that thing in public!
I have to say, she has drastically improved in just the last 24 hours. She is now playing Hot Crossed Buns, and it's not THAT bad! I dont know when she got those practice hours in??

Monday, January 25, 2010

Red Rover Red Rover

I got to Sub in Jenna's class today! She was so excited this morning when i told her that her teacher called. She was actually suppose to stay home today, to finish up her work from being gone last week to Denver, but decided to go to school when she heard I was taking class.
Her class was well behaved but I learned a valuable lesson today. Although I played Red Rover as a child, it is not exactly the most safe game to play! For PE I divided the class into two groups and had them hold hands and face each other. One team sings the song, while swinging their arms, "Red Rover, Red Rover, Send (Insert Name) Right over!" Before I knew it, kids were getting clothes-lined, their arms were getting hurt, but they were laughing so hard and having so much fun, we just couldn't stop. I thought, "I'm just the sub, I couldn't always play that card! I never knew as a child how much strategy was involved in the game. I also loved the fact that before the game started the girls and boys were "grossed out" about holding hands, and after they started having so much fun, they completely forgot! They learned how to pick, What looked like the weakest person to call over, and then being completely surprised by their strength as the smaller kids broke through their chain of hands. The bigger kids learned to break through the weaker was super fun to watch!

My favorite part of the day was coming home for lunch. When I left I got 4 "I love you's " as I walked out the door, back to work? Jayson, Jayda, Jackson and Jillian. :)))) How cool is that? I'm so lucky!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Tradition, Mormon Funeral Potatoes

A Tradition, Mormon Funeral Potatoes

So Funny! This is now my go to dish for any potluck type of gathering! A recipe from my LDS friend, Reshea! xoxoxo

Playoff Games, No facebook, Back to Tanner, Denver

Im putting this picture up because Jayson loves this guy. He always has something funny say. I personally am a little bitter over his win over my team last week. Hope he gets to keep his job!

Im wearing my Charger's Jersey, even thought they are now out of the race. Which makes today's games pointless to watch. I'm am now looking forward to the commercials and half time show for the Superbowl in 2 weeks! Oh! And the food, always looking forward to that!

This is now day 4 with no Facebook. I think its going pretty well. I do occasionally sneak onto Jayson's account to see if I'm missing anything, and Im not! Ive decided that I am going to lose 10 lbs before I let myself back into the world of social networking. However living with 6 other people is quite a bit of social networking, I must say!

I started back with Tanner My trainer last week, and he totally kicked my butt. Ive got a new diet and Im excited to get in shape. If I was super brave Id put a picture up of me in a bikini for a "before" picture. People like to look at stuff like that. I know I do. I should do it, okay Ill take the picture, but cant promise that Ill post it just yet!

Jayson, Jenna, Jayda, and Jayson's mom Rene all traveled to Denver last week for the National Western Stock Show. It was a huge event. Jenna had to put her name in a lottery to go. She took 2 pigs,Mia a spot and Nomar a cross, both off which were no match for the stiff competition back there. They did however enjoy the drive through Colorado and Denver. I hope I can go next time. Jenna is ready to work hard and improve her skills in the Showring this year. Go Jenna!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Facebook

So I decided to cancel my facebook last night. Yikes! I know. I just felt like it was consuming so much of my life. As much as I truly love staying connected with almost 500 people, ( 500, can u believe that? I honestly didnt even a year ago I knew that many people) looking at pictures of newborns, listen to other moms go through life with the same joys, heartache, funny moments, I just needed a break. I felt like a drug addict needing another bump every 5 minutes.

Since I'm mostly home, I use the computer for everything. Running a business, paying bills, watching movies, and "staying connected". I find myself lost in Facebook in the middle of the day or late at night. Not to mention I have Facebook on my phone. So Im constantly checking the many status updates and picture comments that I have become involved with throughout the day. To make matters worse, I get text notifications when someone writes on my wall, comments, or leaves me a message. I wish I could be the person that checks it every few days, but that's just not me. The Fact is I love Facebook too much!

I could see myself neglecting things and people in my life that are so much more important than what's going on, on Facebook! I'm not saying this is permanent, but just a season in my life that I need to re-evaluate what's really important.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010!!! Bring it!

A new year, a new start! Actually if I could just have a continuation of last year I would be content! We had a wonderful year! Christmas was by far the best holiday we've had to date! The kids had so much fun and the babies were so in to it!
But I am excited for this new year, I just know its going to be the best year of our lives! We are believing God for new place! Not necessarily a bigger place, although that would be great, but a place in the country to keep our animals(not the kids, the animals) We have managed to live in this 3 bedroom home relatively well. Its just a constant life of de-cluttering, speaking of which I know there's still so much we can do without! Our kids just love being out side, and with the maintenance of livestock it would be such a blessing to have a large place of our own. June will be 9 years in this house. We look forward to fixing it up this spring and either selling or renting. Fingers crossed.
Jayson and I have such big dreams for our lives as well as our kids lives and hope to see great things from all of them this year.
We are currently at the beginning of pig showing season, which will last till May. WE just got back from Arizona last week, and Jenna did really well in the ring. Jayson and her will be traveling to Denver Co, in a couple more weeks to take a couple pigs to show there. Jenna was very fortunate to be "drawn" to show at this event. I hope it is a good learning and memorable experience for her and Jayson. I will be staying home, running the show solo.
Jenna also starts softball in March. She was very successful last year, so I cant wait to see what she's got in the bag this year!
I am enjoying the fact that our children actually like spending time with us, and am praying that we all stay close as a family and in the long run that the sibling truly love each other and can lean on one another when they dont want to share everything with mom and dad. My biggest goal for them is that they respect themselves and treat everyone as they wish to treated, and that they are kind and polite.