Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Im sitting here thinking of my life and how wonderful it is. I truly believe I am exactly where i am meant to be. The life Jayson and I have created is crazy at times, but once they are all asleep and in bed, we cant help but talk about our kids and how amazing they all are.
The twins are in full force 2 year old mode. Non stop. Sister is always happy and Chico takes a little more attention than her right now to make happy, but Mommy doesnt mind, since he's my only boy! Jillian successfully climbs out of her crib every morning when she's ready to get up. Jackson tried it once. 'Nough said. :)
Jenna is very driven and I have no doubt that she will become a strong inpendent disciplined woman. Her ability to read people and keep her mouth shut at the right times shows maturity far above her 4th grade level. She has never seen an unreachable goal and trys her best and wants to be the best at everything. This year she is after a goal of getting Block C by being invovled in every activity that is presented to her. Right now she's in Cross Country and continues to get better every week. Running is hard work, and she doesnt even walk. She's getting straight As this year, and recieved Sparthenian of the Month for the first month of school. I have no doubt that she can do anything she puts her mind to. This is also her first year of 4H. She is taking 4 pigs to Denver in January and a couple to Arizona at New Years. She has become a very good showman and keeps pushing herself to be better. She recently wrote the cutest letter asking for donations for her trip to Denver. So far she has raised $100. She does a great job with the pigs and is eager to learn as much as possible at every moment.

Julia is playing soccer this year, which is PERFECT for her. She runs the whole time, and gets to burn off all that Energy thats all bottled up. She tried softball last season and we quickly realized that it was NOT the sport for her. She tries really hard with her school work. Daddy has become a full time tutor, but she is really learning to be responsible. It got late last night, and I told her," Julia, I think it will be ok if we dont read tonight." She said, No mommy, Mrs. Hamamjian wants me to read EVERY night." So she read to me in bed as I fell asleep. She also finished her chores last. I am sooo impressed with her! She also spends her recesses with all the special needs kids. She has such a soft heart and she is such goofball!

Jayda spent 3 weeks in Palm Desert with Mama Joy. I had a hard time getting her to come home. I cant believe she's 4 1/2 already! She is very independent and I fear any man/ boy that thinks they are going to do what they say! We have decided to make Jayda our lil experiment. Were not sending her to preschool. So she is home with me when Im not working ( like that EVER happens ) She is so pretty and the sharpest lil 4 year old Ive ever met. She ALso LOVES the pigs. She likes mixing feed, walking them and giving them marshmallows. I think she's going to give Jenna a run for her money in the showring!

We are so blessed!!

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