Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Adventures with Kinder-bear

Julia brought home Kinderbear this weekend from Kindergarten. Along with KB came a journal to document where and what KB did. So kinderbear went to Red Robin Friday night, then traveled to Palm Desert for the weekend. Before leaving town we went to Caruthers School farm to drop of some pigs. We visited newborn lambs that were born that day. We got into Palm Desert really late Saturday night and slept in sun morning. Sunday Kinderbear traveled to papa Gary's ranch to clean pig pens. Mama Joy made some yummy chili and we dusted a couple bottles of wine. Yum! I havent had carbs in 3 weeks! I think i blew it. Kinderbear slept in again monday morning because there was no school. we traveld to papa gary's ranch again to pick up a pig that Jenna is going to show at couple livestock jackpots. At 3 oclock we were finally on the road again headed home. We got home after 11, carried the kids to bed. Were going to have to print pictures with kinderbear later for the journal. Im working at Clovis East today. Oh my goodness it was hard to get up this morning!!!

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