Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The longest Field Trip Ever! We had a great day in Yosemite! The weather was perfect, the kids were well behaved. We were headed home, everything was great, till our bus broke down before we were even out of the park!!We had to wait for another bus to come back from Clovis to pick us up. Get this 40 second graders and 20 parents with NO cell phone service. They told us that they wouldnt be able to get us for a few hours. We took all the kids to Wawona Hotel for some 5 star chicken tenders!! White linen table cloths, people on the patio having a romantic evening and our crew comes traveling up the stairs to this fancy restaurant!!. The kids were actually really good. Everyone had been up since 5am so they were super tired. We made it home at 10oclock to many frantic parents that let their childeren go on their first field trip without them. It was fun, the whole experience. Thank God for Mr. Osterberg for keeping us all calm and getting us fed. Oh ya i forgot.. i made Jenna a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch but i didnt have enough bread to make one for myself so i packed a bunch of snacks. On the bus ride on the way up there Serafina who was in our group told Jenna she had an extra sandwich and that Jenna could have it.. So when lunch time came, jenna handed me the PB&J and i gobbled it up fast. Then Serafina told Jenna she forgot and accidently ate both of her sandwiches!!! Ahh!! Mr. Osterberg had extra sandwiches for Loser parents that forgot to pack lunches!!!! What a good mom I am!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ARE a good mom, Jomama ... the BEST! ;)