Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

so its been awhile...

We took the girls out of school for a week and went to palm Desert for the Jayson's little sisters County fair. I put the girls on independent study for a week! Never again. It was so much work. The noises and moaning they made every time i asked them to sit down and do some schoolwork, My God! Ill just call in sick next time. We were successful at the Fair. Jayson's little sister Nicole got Grand Champion Market Hog. We won last year also but this was extra special because we actually bred this Hog. So Seven Showpigs( Thats the name of out Hog Farm:))had their first Champion out of its herd! Big Success! It has Jayson all fired up about being a Hog Farmer, his true dream (Im not joking either!)
Unfortunately while we were there everyone got sick. It started with Jillian having Pink eye and passing it on to every other kid in the family. Then they were coughing. Jackson had it really bad. So we came home a little earlier than planned but it was okay because Jayson had to catch up on a lot of work. Let me tell you, traveling with 5 kids feels a lot like moving. We moved out of our house, int o a hotel in Paso Robles, Out of the hotel, into the guest house at Jayson's dad's house and back out and into our house again. I still havent completely unpacked. I dont feel like going anywhere for a while.
Jackson was still feeling yucky when we got home. Finally i took him to Urgent Care on Saturday. He had bronchulidis, an ear infection, pink eye, excema, and a fever of 101. Poor little guy:( Thankfully we got in really fast. There was a ton of people there but they let us go in right away because he was coughing so hard. He looked so miserable he was coughing and itching and had green guck coming out of his eyes. The dr gave us some antibiotics and an inhaler. He's doing mush better, but he's still not happy.
So the girls are back in school, thank god! I forgot to mention that it was raining when we got back to Fresno so we were stuck in the house for 5 days with all 5 kids! I sent Jayda to the babysitter twice already this week and i am sending her tomorrow again. The norm is once a week. We need some time apart! hehe

Today was a beautiful day. Went to lunch with my mom and then i took Jayda to the park. She was in heaven! The plan today was clean my house. So glad i didnt, cuz thats the plan everyday. I will always have housework. Then we picked up the big girls and cousin Nicky at School and went back to the park to play for another hour and a half. WE came home, did homework and now they are gone to awana for the night. Jayda is staying the night at my parents, its very quiet in the house at the moment. Sooo nice. thats why i have time to write.oh wait, i hear a baby waking up, gotta go.

Flowers from our yard!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hannah Montana Movie

Hannah Montana Concert 3-D Movie 2008

Took the girls to see the Hannah Montana Concert in 3D Movie today. We went to the live concert back in November. I dont think the girls will ever forget it. Okay maybe Jayda will. The movie was pretty cool. The 3D effect made it seem like we were in the front row. The girls looked super cute in their humongous glasses. They were excited to be there and we had a good time:)

Cooking Tips


#1 When steaming vegetables on the stove it is always a good idea to put water in the pot.
#2 If you smell something burning you should get up immediately instead of waiting for a file to download on the computer.
#3 Although Ginger and Cinnamon may look the same in the spice cabinet, they do not, however taste the same on your Oatmeal

Bow Chicka Wow Wow!

bow chicka bow wow

I have to share this story before I forget. Jenna came home from school one day this year sing the tune, Bow chicka Wow Wow. Not only was she singing it but she also had her hands behind her head and she was shaking her hips. I asked her where she heard it and she said at school, everybody sings it. What?! I immediatley told her not to sing that and she, of course asked, why not? I just said that I cant tell you why just dont say it. A couple days go by and I hear Julia and Jayda singing the same thing along with the dance moves and all. Ugh! Jayson thinks its hillarious and i think its totally inappropriate. Jenna then tells me that it's from the Chipmkunk Movie. Oh my god! Ok, thats funny. As long as its from the Chipmunk movie. Hehe.Papa ended up taking all the girls to see the movie very soon after that. Bow Chicka Wow Wow!!!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Julia celebrated her 100th day of school today at Kindergarten.

Oh Kruse Jackpot 2/2/2008

This weekend the whole family went to our first of many hog shows that the girls participated in. The whole gang was on the road Saturday, pigs and all, by 7am. Jayson and I were quite impressed with our organizational skills. Its amazing what we can accomplish when we actually plan something. The girls did great. Jenna is a natural in the show ring, Im sure she will be an excellent showman in the near future. She manuevered her Duroc gilt(Daisy) through the ring with ease. We she left the ring she shook the judge's hand and said thank you with a big smile. Yep, she's pretty amazing. We were a little nervous about Julia in the ring but she did great. She showed her york barrow, Chad.(Pretty funny name for a pig. Don't know where she came up with it. WE dont even know any Chads. Hehe.)She was very calm. She's pretty shy so it was easier for her to concentrate on her pig and not the judge. Once Jayson told her to move her hog to the middle where the judge was, she did just fine. Pretty impressive for a five year old, except Jayson didnt groom her properly before she went in the ring. She had her shirt untucked and one pant leg tucked in her boot. Oh well. We are very excited for our next show, which is this weekend at Fresno State.

The girls 1st Jackpot