Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been awhile

Wow, I know I haven't been here in awhile. Things have been a little nuts lately. Jenna is doing super duper in third grade, Julia is loving first grade, especially since her cousin Nicky is in the same class. Jayda started preschool this year with some little tears and that was it. She is definitely ready to learn! Jackson and Jillian are walking everywhere and getting into everything, Jillian is super fast and like to climb onto anything she possibly can.
Jayson took a new job teaching Animal Science and coaching the livestock team at Modesto Jr College. A place we both called home for a couple years. He is loving it and I have been trying to run the business the best I can from home. He is gone a lot, but I am so happy he found the perfect job. Luckily we are not doing any extra curricular activities this semester because i have no idea how we would ever make it!
Funny moments today, Jackson started making truck noises with his cars and Julia asked if we could go to the Licorice store( Liquor Store). Hilarious.
Oh yeah and I am also training for a marathon, November 9Th. We are up to 18 miles this weekend. I cant wait till its over, I love the fitness part but the early morning runs are killing me now.. Promise to write more soon and keep everyone updated. :)