Scarborough Seven

Scarborough Seven
Our Crazy Life

Monday, March 31, 2008

Awana Grand Prix

The girls and Jayson made derby cars this past weekend for Awana Grand Prix. Too bad we didnt get started till Friday night. They all stayed up really late sanding and painting their cars, except Jayda and I, we fell asleep. Jayda woke up Saturday Morning and found her unfinished block of wood. I told her to go wake up daddy, who was sleeping in the bunk bed with Julia. The races started in less than two hours. They quickly painted the block of wood yellow and made a School Bus! haha. We showed up at the church with our cars to check in. After a little while at the pit stop where we added weights to make the cars heavier and some drilling to make the cars lighter we were ready to start the races. We hung oout there all morning. None of our cars won. We even had a race with all 3 scarborough girls and we still didnt win! Needless to say Jayson is all fired up for next year. He only loses once....

Jack and Jill Again


yes i am guilty. Guilty of Blog Neglect. That past couple months have been crazy. I have so many pictures on my camera that I realized I have not been updating The Blog. Jenna started softball a few weeks ago and has her first game Thursday night! I will take pictures and update the blog as quickly as possible.....

Jack and Jill pics

Pork Spectacular

NJSA Turlock


Valentine Parties

Valentine Parties 08

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jenna's Birthday



We spent yesterday at Cal Skate for Jenna's Birthday. Julia and Jayda were out of town with Jayson and my parents kept the twins so It was just me and Jenna and her friends and their moms and her cousins. We had a great time. She didnt have to share any of my attention. Afterwards we went to Me'n'Eds for Pizza and cake. Then she spent the night with Olivia and came home a little while ago. The twins went to bed early and I had a peaceful night and afternoon.


He reached for me today for the first time. He's been sick for over a week now. He is finally smiling and laughing again. He had completely lost his personality while he was sick. He has been pretty spoiled. Sleeping in our bed, getting his back rubbed till he falls asleep, And if that doesnt work he likes to have his feet rubbed. He's such a little cuddler. I love the way he puts his head down on my chest. I love the way he looks at me and knows I am his mom. He is just starting to figure that out. Like, "This is the lady that takes care of me. I like her." I just love him.

love my son